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Radiant Pools

Radiant Pools is Shaping the Future of Backyard Pools.

Radiant Pools offer greater structural integrity, limitless installation options, incredible warranty protection and energy savings that, over time, allow this pool to pay for itself. Made from the highest quality materials that will last forever the Radiant Pool wall is more durable than steel, polymer, even 12 inches of concrete. Radiant Pools R-10 insulated walls resist heat loss more efficiently than any other type of pool wall extending the swimming season by up to 2 months! As the only swimming pool manufacturer to become an Energy Star™ Partner and a member of the US Green Building Council, Radiant Pools is dedicated to promoting energy efficiency and the future of our planet.

  • Advanced Engineering
  • Insulated and Energy Efficient
  • Environmentally Smart
  • Lifetime Warranty


As always, Radiant Pools are 100% American made! 100% Lifetime, Fully Transferable, Non-Prorated Warranty!



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Installed 1978

“Our family has been enjoying this pool for a long time. Our kids are grown and now the grandkids are having the same fun. We’ve only ever had to replace the liner, no other problems. This is the best investment we ever made.”

The Ludan Family - ON, Canada

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Original Install 1968

“My father bought this pool when I was about 10 years old. After about 20 years, I moved it to my house and have had it for 20 more years. The only thing I did was buy a new liner. 40 years and one liner seems pretty good to me.”

D. Dufresne - Auburn, MA

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Spa Chemical Sale

Spa Chemical Sale!

 Upgrade your spa experience and stock up with 10% off spa chemicals & filters, 50% off in-house filter cleaning, and $50 off replacement spa covers! Visit us today!

Sale ends 2/23/2024
J&J Pool Spa & Billiards
2600 Dodge Street Dubuque, Iowa

Holiday Hours

December 23rd: 10am-1pm

December 24th: CLOSED

December 25th: CLOSED

December 26th: CLOSED

December 27th: 10am-5pm

December 28th: 10am-5pm

December 29th: 10am-5pm

December 30th: 10am-1pm

January 1st: CLOSED

January 2nd: 10am-5pm